                         * DropKick
                         * Highly customizable <select> lists
                         * https://github.com/robdel12/DropKick
                        (function(factory) {
                          var jQuery;
                          if ( typeof exports === "object" ) {
                            // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
                            // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
                            // like Node.
                            try {
                              jQuery = require( "jquery" );
                            } catch ( e ) {}
                            module.exports = factory( window, document, jQuery );
                          } else {
                            // Browser globals (root is window)
                            window.Dropkick = factory( window, document, window.jQuery );
                        }(function( window, document, jQuery, undefined ) {
                          // Browser testing stuff
                          isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ),
                          isIframe = (window.parent !== window.self && location.host === parent.location.host),
                          isIE = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!==-1,
                          * # Getting started
                          * After you've cloned the repo you will need to add the library to your page. In the `build/js` folder use
                          * one of the two DropKick files given. One has a version number in the file name and the other is a version
                          * number-less version. You will also need to grab the css from `build/css` and load it on the page.
                          * Once those files are imported into the page you can call DropKick on any HTMLSelectElement:
                          * `new Dropkick( HTMLSelectElement, Options );` or `new Dropkick( "ID", Options );`. This returns the dropkick
                          * object to you. It may be useful for you to store this in a var to reference later.
                          * If you're using jQuery you can do this instead:
                          * `$('#select').dropkick( Options );`
                          * @class Dropkick
                          * @return { object } DropKick Object for that select. You can call your methods on this if stored in a var
                          * @param {elem} sel HTMLSelect Element being passed.
                          * @param {opts} options See list of [properties you can pass in here](#list_of_properties)
                          * @constructor
                          * @example
                          *  ```js
                          *    // Pure JS
                          *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                          *  ```
                          * @example
                          *  ```js
                          *    // jQuery
                          *    $("#select").dropkick();
                          *  ```
                          Dropkick = function( sel, opts ) {
                            var i, dk;
                            // Safety if `Dropkick` is called without `new`
                            if ( this === window ) {
                              return new Dropkick( sel, opts );
                            if ( typeof sel === "string" && sel[0] === "#" ) {
                              sel = document.getElementById( sel.substr( 1 ) );
                            // Check if select has already been DK'd and return the DK Object
                            for ( i = 0; i < Dropkick.uid; i++) {
                              dk = Dropkick.cache[ i ];
                              if ( dk instanceof Dropkick && dk.data.select === sel ) {
                                _.extend( dk.data.settings, opts );
                                return dk;
                            if ( !sel ) {
                              console.error("You must pass a select to DropKick");
                              return false;
                            if ( sel.nodeName === "SELECT" ) {
                              return this.init( sel, opts );
                          noop = function() {},
                          // DK default options
                          defaults = {
                             * Called once after the DK element is inserted into the DOM.
                             * The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself.
                             * @config initialize
                             * @type Function
                            initialize: noop,
                             * Called whenever the value of the Dropkick select changes (by user action or through the API).
                             * The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself.
                             * @config change
                             * @type Function
                            change: noop,
                             * Called whenever the Dropkick select is opened. The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself.
                             * @config open
                             * @type Function
                            open: noop,
                             * Called whenever the Dropkick select is closed. The value of `this` is the Dropkick object itself.
                             * @config close
                             * @type Function
                            close: noop,
                            // Search method; "strict", "partial", or "fuzzy"
                             * `"strict"` - The search string matches exactly from the beginning of the option's text value (case insensitive).
                             * `"partial"` - The search string matches part of the option's text value (case insensitive).
                             * `"fuzzy"` - The search string matches the characters in the given order (not exclusively).
                             * The strongest match is selected first. (case insensitive).
                             * @default "strict"
                             * @config search
                             * @type string
                            search: "strict",
                             * Bubble up the custom change event attached to Dropkick to the original element (select).
                            bubble: true
                          // Common Utilities
                          _ = {
                            hasClass: function( elem, classname ) {
                              var reg = new RegExp( "(^|\\s+)" + classname + "(\\s+|$)" );
                              return elem && reg.test( elem.className );
                            addClass: function( elem, classname ) {
                              if( elem && !_.hasClass( elem, classname ) ) {
                                elem.className += " " + classname;
                            removeClass: function( elem, classname ) {
                              var reg = new RegExp( "(^|\\s+)" + classname + "(\\s+|$)" );
                              elem && ( elem.className = elem.className.replace( reg, " " ) );
                            toggleClass: function( elem, classname ) {
                              var fn = _.hasClass( elem, classname ) ? "remove" : "add";
                              _[ fn + "Class" ]( elem, classname );
                            // Shallow object extend
                            extend: function( obj ) {
                              Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ).forEach( function( source ) {
                                if ( source ) { for ( var prop in source ) obj[ prop ] = source[ prop ]; }
                              return obj;
                            // Returns the top and left offset of an element
                            offset: function( elem ) {
                              var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect() || { top: 0, left: 0 },
                                docElem = document.documentElement,
                                offsetTop = isIE ? docElem.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset,
                                offsetLeft = isIE ? docElem.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset;
                                return {
                                  top: box.top + offsetTop - docElem.clientTop,
                                  left: box.left + offsetLeft - docElem.clientLeft
                            // Returns the top and left position of an element relative to an ancestor
                            position: function( elem, relative ) {
                              var pos = { top: 0, left: 0 };
                              while ( elem && elem !== relative ) {
                                pos.top += elem.offsetTop;
                                pos.left += elem.offsetLeft;
                                elem = elem.parentNode;
                              return pos;
                            // Returns the closest ancestor element of the child or false if not found
                            closest: function( child, ancestor ) {
                              while ( child ) {
                                if ( child === ancestor ) { return child; }
                                child = child.parentNode;
                              return false;
                            // Creates a DOM node with the specified attributes
                            create: function( name, attrs ) {
                              var a, node = document.createElement( name );
                              if ( !attrs ) { attrs = {}; }
                              for ( a in attrs ) {
                                if ( attrs.hasOwnProperty( a ) ) {
                                  if ( a === "innerHTML" ) {
                                    node.innerHTML = attrs[ a ];
                                  } else {
                                    node.setAttribute( a, attrs[ a ] );
                              return node;
                            deferred: function( fn ) {
                              return function() {
                                var args = arguments,
                                  ctx = this;
                                window.setTimeout(function() {
                                  fn.apply(ctx, args);
                                }, 1);
                        // Cache of DK Objects
                        Dropkick.cache = {};
                        Dropkick.uid = 0;
                        // Extends the DK objects's Prototype
                        Dropkick.prototype = {
                          // Emulate some of HTMLSelectElement's methods
                           * Adds an element to the select. This option will not only add it to the original
                           * select, but create a Dropkick option and add it to the Dropkick select.
                           * @method add
                           * @param {string} elem   HTMLOptionElement
                           * @param {Node/Integer} before HTMLOptionElement/Index of Element
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.add("New option", 5);
                           *  ```
                          add: function( elem, before ) {
                            var text, option, i;
                            if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
                              text = elem;
                              elem = document.createElement("option");
                              elem.text = text;
                            if ( elem.nodeName === "OPTION" ) {
                              option = _.create( "li", {
                                "class": "dk-option",
                                "data-value": elem.value,
                                "innerHTML": elem.text,
                                "role": "option",
                                "aria-selected": "false",
                                "id": "dk" + this.data.cacheID + "-" + ( elem.id || elem.value.replace( " ", "-" ) )
                              _.addClass( option, elem.className );
                              this.length += 1;
                              if ( elem.disabled ) {
                                _.addClass( option, "dk-option-disabled" );
                                option.setAttribute( "aria-disabled", "true" );
                              this.data.select.add( elem, before );
                              if ( typeof before === "number" ) {
                                before = this.item( before );
                              if ( this.options.indexOf( before ) > -1 ) {
                                before.parentNode.insertBefore( option, before );
                              } else {
                                this.data.elem.lastChild.appendChild( option );
                              option.addEventListener( "mouseover", this );
                              i = this.options.indexOf( before );
                              this.options.splice( i, 0, option );
                              if ( elem.selected ) {
                                this.select( i );
                           * Selects an option in the list at the desired index (negative numbers select from the end).
                           * @method item
                           * @param  {Integer} index Index of element (positive or negative)
                           * @return {Node}          The DK option from the list, or null if not found
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.item(4); //returns DOM node of index
                           *  ```
                          item: function( index ) {
                            index = index < 0 ? this.options.length + index : index;
                            return this.options[ index ] || null;
                           * Removes the option (from both the select and Dropkick) at the given index.
                           * @method  remove
                           * @param  {Integer} index Index of element (positive or negative)
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.remove(4);
                           *  ```
                          remove: function( index ) {
                            var dkOption = this.item( index );
                            dkOption.parentNode.removeChild( dkOption );
                            this.options.splice( index, 1 );
                            this.data.select.remove( index );
                            this.select( this.data.select.selectedIndex );
                            this.length -= 1;
                           * Initializes the DK Object
                           * @method init
                           * @private
                           * @param  {Node}   sel  [description]
                           * @param  {Object} opts Options to override defaults
                           * @return {Object}      The DK Object
                          init: function( sel, opts ) {
                            var i,
                              dk =  Dropkick.build( sel, "dk" + Dropkick.uid );
                            // Set some data on the DK Object
                            this.data = {};
                            this.data.select = sel;
                            this.data.elem = dk.elem;
                            this.data.settings = _.extend({}, defaults, opts );
                            // Emulate some of HTMLSelectElement's properties
                             * Whether the form is currently disabled or not
                             * @property {boolean} disabled
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.disabled;
                             *  ```
                            this.disabled = sel.disabled;
                             * The form associated with the select
                             * @property {node} form
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.form;
                             *  ```
                            this.form = sel.form;
                             * The number of options in the select
                             * @property {integer} length
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.length;
                             *  ```
                            this.length = sel.length;
                             * If this select is a multi-select
                             * @property {boolean} multiple
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.multiple;
                             *  ```
                            this.multiple = sel.multiple;
                             * An array of Dropkick options
                             * @property {array} options
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.options;
                             *  ```
                            this.options = dk.options.slice( 0 );
                             * An index of the first selected option
                             * @property {integer} selectedIndex
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.selectedIndex;
                             *  ```
                            this.selectedIndex = sel.selectedIndex;
                             * An array of selected Dropkick options
                             * @property {array} selectedOptions
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.selectedOptions;
                             *  ```
                            this.selectedOptions = dk.selected.slice( 0 );
                             * The current value of the select
                             * @property {string} value
                             * @example
                             *  ```js
                             *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                             *    select.value;
                             *  ```
                            this.value = sel.value;
                            // Add the DK Object to the cache
                            this.data.cacheID = Dropkick.uid;
                            Dropkick.cache[ this.data.cacheID ] = this;
                            // Call the optional initialize function
                            this.data.settings.initialize.call( this );
                            // Increment the index
                            Dropkick.uid += 1;
                            // Add the change listener to the select
                            if ( !this._changeListener ) {
                              sel.addEventListener( "change", this );
                              this._changeListener = true;
                            // Don't continue if we're not rendering on mobile
                            if ( !( isMobile && !this.data.settings.mobile ) ) {
                              // Insert the DK element before the original select
                              sel.parentNode.insertBefore( this.data.elem, sel );
                              sel.setAttribute( "data-dkCacheId", this.data.cacheID );
                              // Bind events
                              this.data.elem.addEventListener( "click", this );
                              this.data.elem.addEventListener( "keydown", this );
                              this.data.elem.addEventListener( "keypress", this );
                              if ( this.form ) {
                                this.form.addEventListener( "reset", this );
                              if ( !this.multiple ) {
                                for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) {
                                  this.options[ i ].addEventListener( "mouseover", this );
                              if ( !_docListener ) {
                                document.addEventListener( "click", Dropkick.onDocClick );
                                if ( isIframe ){
                                  parent.document.addEventListener( "click", Dropkick.onDocClick );
                                _docListener = true;
                            return this;
                           * Closes the DK dropdown
                           * @method close
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.close(); //closes dk dropdown
                           *  ```
                          close: function() {
                            var i,
                              dk = this.data.elem;
                            if ( !this.isOpen || this.multiple ) {
                              return false;
                            for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) {
                              _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" );
                            dk.lastChild.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" );
                            _.removeClass( dk.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" );
                            _.removeClass( dk, "dk-select-open-(up|down)" );
                            this.isOpen = false;
                            this.data.settings.close.call( this );
                           * Opens the DK dropdown
                           * @method open
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.open(); //Opens the dk dropdown
                           *  ```
                          open: _.deferred(function() {
                            var dropHeight, above, below, direction, dkTop, dkBottom,
                              dk = this.data.elem,
                              dkOptsList = dk.lastChild;
                            if ( isIE ) {
                              dkTop = _.offset( dk ).top - document.documentElement.scrollTop;
                            } else {
                              dkTop = _.offset( dk ).top - window.scrollY;
                            dkBottom = window.innerHeight - ( dkTop + dk.offsetHeight );
                            if ( this.isOpen || this.multiple ) { return false; }
                            dkOptsList.style.display = "block";
                            dropHeight = dkOptsList.offsetHeight;
                            dkOptsList.style.display = "";
                            above = dkTop > dropHeight;
                            below = dkBottom > dropHeight;
                            direction = above && !below ? "-up" : "-down";
                            this.isOpen = true;
                            _.addClass( dk, "dk-select-open" + direction );
                            dkOptsList.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "true" );
                            this._scrollTo( this.options.length - 1 );
                            this._scrollTo( this.selectedIndex );
                            this.data.settings.open.call( this );
                           * Disables or enables an option; if only a boolean is passed (or nothing),
                           * then the entire Dropkick will be disabled or enabled.
                           * @method disable
                           * @param  {Integer} elem     The element or index to disable
                           * @param  {Boolean}      disabled Value of disabled
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    // To disable the entire select
                           *    select.disable();
                           *    // To disable just an option with an index
                           *    select.disable(4, true);
                           *    // To re-enable the entire select
                           *    select.disable(false);
                           *    // To re-enable just an option with an index
                           *    select.disable(4, false);
                           *  ```
                          disable: function( elem, disabled ) {
                            var disabledClass = "dk-option-disabled";
                            if ( arguments.length === 0 || typeof elem === "boolean" ) {
                              disabled = elem === undefined ? true : false;
                              elem = this.data.elem;
                              disabledClass = "dk-select-disabled";
                              this.disabled = disabled;
                            if ( disabled === undefined ) {
                              disabled = true;
                            if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
                              elem = this.item( elem );
                            _[ disabled ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( elem, disabledClass );
                           * Selects an option from the list
                           * @method select
                           * @param  {String} elem     The element, index, or value to select
                           * @param  {Boolean}             disabled Selects disabled options
                           * @return {Node}                         The selected element
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var elm = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    // Select by index
                           *    elm.select(4); //selects & returns 5th item in the list
                           *    // Select by value
                           *    elm.select("AL"); // selects & returns option with the value "AL"
                           *  ```
                          select: function( elem, disabled ) {
                            var i, index, option, combobox,
                              select = this.data.select;
                            if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
                              elem = this.item( elem );
                            if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
                              for ( i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
                                if ( this.options[ i ].getAttribute( "data-value" ) === elem ) {
                                  elem = this.options[ i ];
                            // No element or enabled option
                            if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" ||
                                 ( !disabled && _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option-disabled" ) ) ) {
                              return false;
                            if ( _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option" ) ) {
                              index = this.options.indexOf( elem );
                              option = select.options[ index ];
                              if ( this.multiple ) {
                                _.toggleClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" );
                                option.selected = !option.selected;
                                if ( _.hasClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" ) ) {
                                  elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" );
                                  this.selectedOptions.push( elem );
                                } else {
                                  elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" );
                                  index = this.selectedOptions.indexOf( elem );
                                  this.selectedOptions.splice( index, 1 );
                              } else {
                                combobox = this.data.elem.firstChild;
                                if ( this.selectedOptions.length ) {
                                  _.removeClass( this.selectedOptions[0], "dk-option-selected" );
                                  this.selectedOptions[0].setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" );
                                _.addClass( elem, "dk-option-selected" );
                                elem.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" );
                                combobox.setAttribute( "aria-activedescendant", elem.id );
                                combobox.className = "dk-selected " + option.className;
                                combobox.innerHTML = option.text;
                                this.selectedOptions[0] = elem;
                                option.selected = true;
                              this.selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex;
                              this.value = select.value;
                              if ( !disabled ) {
                                this.data.select.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("change", {bubbles: this.data.settings.bubble}));
                              return elem;
                           * Selects a single option from the list and scrolls to it (if the select is open or on multi-selects).
                           * Useful for selecting an option after a search by the user. Important to note: this doesn't close the
                           * dropdown when selecting. It keeps the dropdown open and scrolls to proper position.
                           * @method selectOne
                           * @param  {Integer} elem     The element or index to select
                           * @param  {Boolean}      disabled Selects disabled options
                           * @return {Node}                  The selected element
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.selectOne(4);
                           *  ```
                          selectOne: function( elem, disabled ) {
                            this.reset( true );
                            this._scrollTo( elem );
                            return this.select( elem, disabled );
                           * Finds all options who's text matches a pattern (strict, partial, or fuzzy)
                           * `"strict"` - The search string matches exactly from the beginning of the
                           * option's text value (case insensitive).
                           * `"partial"` - The search string matches part of the option's text value
                           * (case insensitive).
                           * `"fuzzy"` - The search string matches the characters in the given order (not
                           * exclusively). The strongest match is selected first. (case insensitive).
                           * @method search
                           * @param  {String} string  The string to search for
                           * @param  {Integer} mode   How to search; "strict", "partial", or "fuzzy"
                           * @return {Boolean}  An Array of matched elements
                          search: function( pattern, mode ) {
                            var i, tokens, str, tIndex, sIndex, cScore, tScore, reg,
                              options = this.data.select.options,
                              matches = [];
                            if ( !pattern ) { return this.options; }
                            // Fix Mode
                            mode = mode ? mode.toLowerCase() : "strict";
                            mode = mode === "fuzzy" ? 2 : mode === "partial" ? 1 : 0;
                            reg = new RegExp( ( mode ? "" : "^" ) + pattern, "i" );
                            for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) {
                              str = options[ i ].text.toLowerCase();
                              // Fuzzy
                              if ( mode == 2 ) {
                                tokens = pattern.toLowerCase().split("");
                                tIndex = sIndex = cScore = tScore = 0;
                                while ( sIndex < str.length ) {
                                  if ( str[ sIndex ] === tokens[ tIndex ] ) {
                                    cScore += 1 + cScore;
                                  } else {
                                    cScore = 0;
                                  tScore += cScore;
                                if ( tIndex === tokens.length ) {
                                  matches.push({ e: this.options[ i ], s: tScore, i: i });
                              // Partial or Strict (Default)
                              } else {
                                reg.test( str ) && matches.push( this.options[ i ] );
                            // Sort fuzzy results
                            if ( mode === 2 ) {
                              matches = matches.sort( function ( a, b ) {
                                return ( b.s - a.s ) || a.i - b.i;
                              }).reduce( function ( p, o ) {
                                p[ p.length ] = o.e;
                                return p;
                              }, [] );
                            return matches;
                           * Brings focus to the proper DK element
                           * @method focus
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    $("#some_elm").on("click", function() {
                           *      select.focus();
                           *    });
                           *  ```
                          focus: function() {
                            if ( !this.disabled ) {
                              ( this.multiple ? this.data.elem : this.data.elem.children[0] ).focus();
                           * Resets the Dropkick and select to it's original selected options; if `clear` is `true`,
                           * It will select the first option by default (or no options for multi-selects).
                           * @method reset
                           * @param  {Boolean} clear Defaults to first option if True
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    // Reset to originally `selected` option
                           *    select.reset();
                           *    // Reset to first option in select
                           *    select.reset(true);
                           *  ```
                          reset: function( clear ) {
                            var i,
                              select = this.data.select;
                            this.selectedOptions.length = 0;
                            for ( i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++ ) {
                              select.options[ i ].selected = false;
                              _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-selected" );
                              this.options[ i ].setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" );
                              if ( !clear && select.options[ i ].defaultSelected ) {
                                this.select( i, true );
                            if ( !this.selectedOptions.length && !this.multiple ) {
                              this.select( 0, true );
                           * Rebuilds the DK Object
                           * (use if HTMLSelectElement has changed)
                           * @method refresh
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    //... [change original select] ...
                           *    select.refresh();
                           *  ```
                          refresh: function() {
                            this.dispose().init( this.data.select, this.data.settings );
                           * Removes the DK Object from the cache and the element from the DOM
                           * @method dispose
                           * @example
                           *  ```js
                           *    var select = new Dropkick("#select");
                           *    select.dispose();
                           *  ```
                          dispose: function() {
                            delete Dropkick.cache[ this.data.cacheID ];
                            this.data.elem.parentNode.removeChild( this.data.elem );
                            this.data.select.removeAttribute( "data-dkCacheId" );
                            return this;
                          // Private Methods
                           * @method handleEvent
                           * @private
                          handleEvent: function( event ) {
                            if ( this.disabled ) { return; }
                            switch ( event.type ) {
                            case "click":
                              this._delegate( event );
                            case "keydown":
                              this._keyHandler( event );
                            case "keypress":
                              this._searchOptions( event );
                            case "mouseover":
                              this._highlight( event );
                            case "reset":
                            case "change":
                              this.data.settings.change.call( this );
                           * @method delegate
                           * @private
                          _delegate: function( event ) {
                            var selection, index, firstIndex, lastIndex,
                              target = event.target;
                            if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option-disabled" ) ) {
                              return false;
                            if ( !this.multiple ) {
                              this[ this.isOpen ? "close" : "open" ]();
                              if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option" ) ) { this.select( target ); }
                            } else {
                              if ( _.hasClass( target, "dk-option" ) ) {
                                selection = window.getSelection();
                                if ( selection.type === "Range" ) selection.collapseToStart();
                                if ( event.shiftKey ) {
                                  firstIndex = this.options.indexOf( this.selectedOptions[0] );
                                  lastIndex = this.options.indexOf( this.selectedOptions[ this.selectedOptions.length - 1 ] );
                                  index =  this.options.indexOf( target );
                                  if ( index > firstIndex && index < lastIndex ) index = firstIndex;
                                  if ( index > lastIndex && lastIndex > firstIndex ) lastIndex = firstIndex;
                                  this.reset( true );
                                  if ( lastIndex > index ) {
                                    while ( index < lastIndex + 1 ) { this.select( index++ ); }
                                  } else {
                                    while ( index > lastIndex - 1 ) { this.select( index-- ); }
                                } else if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) {
                                  this.select( target );
                                } else {
                                  this.reset( true );
                                  this.select( target );
                           * @method highlight
                           * @private
                          _highlight: function( event ) {
                            var i, option = event.target;
                            if ( !this.multiple ) {
                              for ( i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++ ) {
                                _.removeClass( this.options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" );
                              _.addClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" );
                              _.addClass( option, "dk-option-highlight" );
                           * @method keyHandler
                           * @private
                          _keyHandler: function( event ) {
                            var lastSelected, j,
                              selected = this.selectedOptions,
                              options = this.options,
                              i = 1,
                              keys = {
                                tab: 9,
                                enter: 13,
                                esc: 27,
                                space: 32,
                                up: 38,
                                down: 40
                            switch ( event.keyCode ) {
                            case keys.up:
                              i = -1;
                              // deliberate fallthrough
                            case keys.down:
                              lastSelected = selected[ selected.length - 1 ];
                              if ( _.hasClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" ) ) {
                                _.removeClass( this.data.elem.lastChild, "dk-select-options-highlight" );
                                for ( j = 0; j < options.length; j++ ) {
                                  if ( _.hasClass( options[ j ], "dk-option-highlight" ) ) {
                                    _.removeClass( options[ j ], "dk-option-highlight" );
                                    lastSelected = options[ j ];
                              i = options.indexOf( lastSelected ) + i;
                              if ( i > options.length - 1 ) {
                                i = options.length - 1;
                              } else if ( i < 0 ) {
                                i = 0;
                              if ( !this.data.select.options[ i ].disabled ) {
                                this.reset( true );
                                this.select( i );
                                this._scrollTo( i );
                            case keys.space:
                              if ( !this.isOpen ) {
                              // deliberate fallthrough
                            case keys.tab:
                            case keys.enter:
                              for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) {
                                if ( _.hasClass( options[ i ], "dk-option-highlight" ) ) {
                                  this.select( i );
                              // deliberate fallthrough
                            case keys.esc:
                              if ( this.isOpen ) {
                           * @method searchOptions
                           * @private
                          _searchOptions: function( event ) {
                            var results,
                              self = this,
                              keyChar = String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode || event.which ),
                              waitToReset = function() {
                                if ( self.data.searchTimeout ) {
                                  clearTimeout( self.data.searchTimeout );
                                self.data.searchTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                                  self.data.searchString = "";
                                }, 1000 );
                            if ( this.data.searchString === undefined ) {
                              this.data.searchString = "";
                            this.data.searchString += keyChar;
                            results = this.search( this.data.searchString, this.data.settings.search );
                            if ( results.length ) {
                              if ( !_.hasClass( results[0], "dk-option-disabled" ) ) {
                                this.selectOne( results[0] );
                           * @method scrollTo
                           * @private
                          _scrollTo: function( option ) {
                            var optPos, optTop, optBottom,
                              dkOpts = this.data.elem.lastChild;
                            if ( option === -1 || ( typeof option !== "number" && !option ) ||
                                ( !this.isOpen && !this.multiple ) ) {
                              return false;
                            if ( typeof option === "number" ) {
                              option = this.item( option );
                            optPos = _.position( option, dkOpts ).top;
                            optTop = optPos - dkOpts.scrollTop;
                            optBottom = optTop + option.offsetHeight;
                            if ( optBottom > dkOpts.offsetHeight ) {
                              optPos += option.offsetHeight;
                              dkOpts.scrollTop = optPos - dkOpts.offsetHeight;
                            } else if ( optTop < 0 ) {
                              dkOpts.scrollTop = optPos;
                        // Static Methods
                         * Builds the Dropkick element from a select element
                         * @method  build
                         * @private
                         * @param  {Node} sel The HTMLSelectElement
                         * @return {Object}   An object containing the new DK element and it's options
                        Dropkick.build = function( sel, idpre ) {
                          var selOpt, optList, i,
                            options = [],
                            ret = {
                              elem: null,
                              options: [],
                              selected: []
                            addOption = function ( node ) {
                              var option, optgroup, optgroupList, i,
                                children = [];
                              switch ( node.nodeName ) {
                              case "OPTION":
                                option = _.create( "li", {
                                  "class": "dk-option ",
                                  "data-value": node.value,
                                  "innerHTML": node.text,
                                  "role": "option",
                                  "aria-selected": "false",
                                  "id": idpre + "-" + ( node.id || node.value.replace( " ", "-" ) )
                                _.addClass( option, node.className );
                                if ( node.disabled ) {
                                  _.addClass( option, "dk-option-disabled" );
                                  option.setAttribute( "aria-disabled", "true" );
                                if ( node.selected ) {
                                  _.addClass( option, "dk-option-selected" );
                                  option.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" );
                                  ret.selected.push( option );
                                ret.options.push( this.appendChild( option ) );
                              case "OPTGROUP":
                                optgroup = _.create( "li", { "class": "dk-optgroup" });
                                if ( node.label ) {
                                  optgroup.appendChild( _.create( "div", {
                                    "class": "dk-optgroup-label",
                                    "innerHTML": node.label
                                optgroupList = _.create( "ul", {
                                  "class": "dk-optgroup-options"
                                for ( i = node.children.length; i--; children.unshift( node.children[ i ] ) );
                                children.forEach( addOption, optgroupList );
                                this.appendChild( optgroup ).appendChild( optgroupList );
                          ret.elem = _.create( "div", {
                            "class": "dk-select" + ( sel.multiple ? "-multi" : "" )
                          optList = _.create( "ul", {
                            "class": "dk-select-options",
                            "id": idpre + "-listbox",
                            "role": "listbox"
                          sel.disabled && _.addClass( ret.elem, "dk-select-disabled" );
                          ret.elem.id = idpre + ( sel.id ? "-" + sel.id : "" );
                          _.addClass( ret.elem, sel.className );
                          if ( !sel.multiple ) {
                            selOpt = sel.options[ sel.selectedIndex ];
                            ret.elem.appendChild( _.create( "div", {
                              "class": "dk-selected " + selOpt.className,
                              "tabindex": sel.tabindex || 0,
                              "innerHTML": selOpt ? selOpt.text : '&nbsp;',
                              "id": idpre + "-combobox",
                              "aria-live": "assertive",
                              "aria-owns": optList.id,
                              "role": "combobox"
                            optList.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" );
                          } else {
                            ret.elem.setAttribute( "tabindex", sel.getAttribute( "tabindex" ) || "0" );
                            optList.setAttribute( "aria-multiselectable", "true" );
                          for ( i = sel.children.length; i--; options.unshift( sel.children[ i ] ) );
                          options.forEach( addOption, ret.elem.appendChild( optList ) );
                          return ret;
                         * Focus DK Element when corresponding label is clicked; close all other DK's
                         * @method  onDocClick
                         * @private
                         * @param {Object} event  Event from document click
                        Dropkick.onDocClick = function( event ) {
                          var tId, i;
                          if (event.target.nodeType !== 1) {
                            return false;
                          if ( ( tId = event.target.getAttribute( "data-dkcacheid" ) ) !== null ) {
                            Dropkick.cache[ tId ].focus();
                          for ( i in Dropkick.cache ) {
                            if ( !_.closest( event.target, Dropkick.cache[ i ].data.elem ) && i !== tId ) {
                              Dropkick.cache[ i ].disabled || Dropkick.cache[ i ].close();
                        // Add jQuery method
                        if ( jQuery !== undefined ) {
                          jQuery.fn.dropkick = function () {
                            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
                            return jQuery( this ).each(function() {
                              if ( !args[0] || typeof args[0] === 'object' ) {
                                new Dropkick( this, args[0] || {} );
                              } else if ( typeof args[0] === 'string' ) {
                                Dropkick.prototype[ args[0] ].apply( new Dropkick( this ), args.slice( 1 ) );
                        return Dropkick;